Sunday, April 19, 2009


This is a Seville company that has been doing amazing works, improving the standars in the fantasy miniatures world. Its miniatures, even drinking of the same sources of so many others companies, has a flavour and a clasical esculture approach that make them little pieces of art.

From the massive beast to the rank-and-file, and of course its wonderful cavalry and heroes, they are some of the top miniatures you could find in fantasy on 28mm.

They have visited Salute on London the last three years with huge success...

Sadly one of his sculptors, Pedro Fernandez, left the company some months ago...

They always have some issue with his web page, that now is under upgradding...
Some people even joke with them that its German distributor page is better...
But the pretiest photographs are on Artemis's shop

But you could check its works on its own YouTube channel...


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